How can my company supplement your inquiries with reports?
By providing a reference ID, you can automatically link many different inquiries to the same individual. Now, it’s straightforward to compare information collected in an Inquiry against what's already known about that individual user. In summary, we are providing a holistic way to understand an individual. We are moving toward verifying "who an individual is" and away from "what we learned about an individual this time."
Persona can provide international watchlist checks across global lists of known bad actors, in addition to checks around phone number and email address. When an individual is going through the Inquiry flow, we will let you know if there were any matches and when the report is ready.
Continuous reports allow you to schedule reports on a regular basis to establish a cadence. For compliance reasons, you may need to generate recurring reports against individuals. In addition to this, Persona lets you integrate this neatly into your workflow by:
Creating alerts based on report results via webhooks
Configuring report schedules to match compliance needs
Maintaining aggregated reports in one place